
Friday Jul 07, 2023
Friday Jul 07, 2023
The Room Mates get a chance to sit down with Dawn Fry. Dawn talks about her choice to head to law school and how being a mother of a child with special needs shaped her journey of practicing law. Whether it is her work with the Putnam County School Board, Teaching at TN Tech, helping with adoptions at Hope Center or advocating for the Exceptional Bean - Dawn's ambition is focused on the opportunities she finds to help her community and those in the most need.
You can learn more about Dawn fry by reaching out to her through her law firm: Fry, Fry, Knight & Looper
Find us online (and subscribe for updates) at www.roommateshomedecor.com
and on instagram: @roommateshomedecor

Friday Jun 30, 2023
Friday Jun 30, 2023
Natalie and Cigi reflect on the second Room Mates sale and how successful it was. They also look at the huge differences between it and the first one. Cigi talks a little about how they are starting to see some patterns, even though some items that sold great the first time didn't win this time. Natalie also brings up the possibility of holiday specific decor starting to roll out in the fall.
Find us online (and subscribe for updates) at www.roommateshomedecor.com
and on instagram: @roommateshomedecor

Friday Jun 23, 2023
Friday Jun 23, 2023
Natalie and Cigi talk a little bit about Michael J Fox and his words on gratitude. When faced with hardship, he says "With gratitude, optimism is sustainable." Cigi talks about the pressure of negative emotions, but the power of choosing positivity. Remembering, and focusing on, the positive helps you to sustain optimism when choosing a negative outlook on life would be easier. Everybody gets stressed out and has hard days - choosing to be grateful for the things in your life every day helps to lessen the stress you feel.
find us online: www.roommateshomedecor.com
and on instagram: @roommateshomedecor

Friday Jun 16, 2023
Friday Jun 16, 2023
Natalie and Cigi challenge us to ask the question: "What do I want to get out of life?" Cigi talks about how she was intimidated by successful people and never felt like she belonged - but as she stayed committed to her work this started to fade away. Natalie talks about how success in business requires commitment and conviction to keep going and understanding that over time commitment breeds success.
find us online: www.roommateshomedecor.com
on instagram: @roommateshomedecor

Friday Jun 09, 2023
Friday Jun 09, 2023
Cigi and Natalie talk about how they have seen their businesses grow because of the opportunity they have created. Cigi also talks about the importance of young people understanding that their jobs are great opportunities to learn new skills and hone their talents. Remember, creating opportunities for others - creates opportunities for you as well.
Find us online: www.roommateshomedecor.com
and on instagram: @roommateshomedecor

Friday Jun 02, 2023
Friday Jun 02, 2023
Natalie and Cigi talk about the importance of focus when you are starting a new business or accomplishing anything in your life. Natalie offers up the idea that you need to have tunnel vision, focused on the goal, to ensure success.
Check us out online: https://www.roommateshomedecor.com/
or on instagram: @roommateshomedecor

Friday May 26, 2023
Friday May 26, 2023
Natalie and Cigi talk about their business experiences with "connectors" and how they have found that being connectors is a great way to find success. Natalie shares the keen wisdom that "connecting people makes you future money, not now money" and Cigi adds some context that seemingly small connections can end up being a lot bigger wins in the future. The theme of the whole episode is that if you want to be successful in business, then commit to being a connector of people. This means you are gonna have to plug into your community - and lucky for you there are a lot of opportunities for that if you keep your eyes open.
Find Room Mates online:
Room Mates Website : roommateshomedecor.com
Room Mates on Instagram : @roommateshomedecor

Friday May 19, 2023
Friday May 19, 2023
Cigi and Natalie spend time discussing what good customer service looks like as they share an epic fail they experienced with a Room Mates vendor. They both agree that good customer service, and being willing to go the extra mile, not only makes you a successful business - but also a successful employee.
The Roommates also talk about how in the early days of starting a business, you need to be putting it before everything - and that isn't for everyone. With a Tom Hanks quote "The hard is what makes it great", they admit that most people think they want to be the boss "until they have to do boss..." Don't worry, they keep it PG (or at least their editor does).
Find Room Mates online:
Room Mates Website : roommateshomedecor.com
Room Mates on Instagram : @roommateshomedecor

Friday May 12, 2023
Friday May 12, 2023
Nat and Cigi talk about how success looks different for everyone and that we all have to figure that out and pursue it. Although success might look different, the results seem similar: Happiness and Joy. You are the one that defines what a good balance looks like.
Natalie talks about the power of understanding the enneagram for a team of people and they both discuss the timeless truth that no one succeeds alone.
Find Room Mates online:
Room Mates Website : roommateshomedecor.com
Room Mates on Instagram : @roommateshomedecor

Friday May 05, 2023
Friday May 05, 2023
Cigi and Natalie discuss the importance of helping other people - especially when they are starting out with a new business opportunity. The investment in helping others ALWAYS comes back around. Nat shares a quote with us this week as well:
"Who you are, while you do what you do, is more important than what you do."
Find Room Mates online:
Room Mates Website : roommateshomedecor.com
Room Mates on Instagram : @roommateshomedecor